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  • Writer's pictureSakura Fernandes

Navigating The NPAs: A Guide For Businesses In India

Businesses are often confronted with challenges that can turn their financial health southwards. One such formidable foe is Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), a term that can send shivers down the spine of any entrepreneur. In this guide, we'll explore how businesses can steer clear of the NPA quagmire, drawing insights from industry experts while avoiding complex financial jargon.

Understanding The NPA Quandary

Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) are like financial storms that can seriously mess up a company's money situation. Imagine taking a loan to grow your business, but suddenly, the people you borrowed from stop getting their money back. It's a bit like a big wave hitting a sturdy ship trying to sail smoothly through the business world. These NPAs, when borrowers stop paying both the loan and the interest, can mess with how much money a company has, making it hard to pay for regular stuff and invest in new opportunities. It's not just about money either, it also hurts the company's reputation, making it tricky to get support from investors or other people who might help out. Understanding this challenge helps businesses prepare and avoid getting into financial trouble.

1. Diligent Credit Assessment

Abhay Bhutada, Poonawalla Fincorp's MD, emphasizes the paramount importance of credit assessment in averting the NPA storm. Just as a student meticulously prepares for an exam, businesses must conduct robust due diligence before extending credit. Analyzing borrower profiles, assessing repayment capacity, and employing comprehensive risk assessment models are integral components of this diligence process.

2. Proactive Risk Mitigation

In the words of Prashant Shrivastava, Global CEO at WE-MATTER, proactive risk mitigation is the key to keeping NPAs at bay. Businesses should not wait for red flags to start fluttering; instead, they should anticipate potential risks and act preemptively. This involves regularly reviewing and updating risk assessment models, closely monitoring borrower behavior, and staying informed about market dynamics that may impact repayment capabilities.

3. Diversification

A cardinal rule in finance, echoed by experts like Warren Buffett, is to avoid concentration risk. Businesses should diversify their credit portfolio across different sectors and customer segments. Relying too heavily on a particular industry or clientele increases vulnerability to economic downturns or sector-specific challenges. Diversification acts as a safety net, spreading risk and reducing the impact of unforeseen circumstances.

4. Strengthening Collateral Framework

Collateral serves as a financial safety net for lenders. It provides a tangible asset that can be liquidated in case of borrower default. To bolster their defense against NPAs, businesses should continually reassess and enhance their collateral framework. This involves valuing collateral accurately, keeping it updated, and ensuring that it aligns with the loan amount.

5. Regular Monitoring And Timely Intervention

In the dynamic world of business, constant vigilance is the price of financial stability. Regularly monitor borrower behavior, financial performance, and market trends. An early warning system allows businesses to detect signs of financial distress and take timely corrective actions. Timely intervention can often mean the difference between a manageable setback and a full-blown NPA crisis.


In conclusion, steering clear of NPAs requires a proactive approach, akin to navigating through treacherous waters. Abhay Bhutada's insight on maintaining a net NPA below 1 percent, especially in credit-tested segments, highlights the effectiveness of targeted strategies. As Prashant Shrivastava advocates, credit assessment is not just a process but a lifeline that businesses must continually strengthen.

By embracing these strategies, businesses can build a robust defense against the lurking threat of NPAs. Remember, in the financial realm, prevention is always better than cure. Warren Buffett's wisdom, echoed in the strategy of diversification, emphasizes the importance of building resilience to weather unforeseen storms. As businesses implement these measures, they fortify their financial foundations, ensuring a smoother sail through the unpredictable seas of commerce.

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