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  • Writer's pictureSakura Fernandes

Abhay Bhutada’s Strategic Moves: Transforming Poonawalla Fincorp’s Operational Efficiency and Asset Quality

Optimizing operational efficiency and enhancing asset quality are crucial goals for any financial institution. Abhay Bhutada, the Managing Director of Poonawalla Fincorp, has successfully navigated these challenging terrains. His strategic approach has not only reduced operational expenses but also improved asset quality, setting a strong foundation for the company’s future growth. Let’s delve into the key measures that have driven these achievements.

Abhay Bhutada, MD
Abhay Bhutada, MD

Achieving Operational Efficiency

Reducing operational expenses (OPEX) is a significant milestone for Poonawalla Fincorp. The company has seen a consistent reduction in OPEX over the last few quarters, dropping from 5.43% to 3.99% year on year. This impressive reduction can be attributed to several strategic initiatives.

Consolidation of Branches and Manpower

One of the primary strategies was the consolidation of branches and manpower. By optimizing the physical presence and streamlining the workforce, Poonawalla Fincorp has managed to cut down on unnecessary expenses. This not only reduces costs but also improves operational efficiency. The consolidation allows the company to focus resources where they are most needed, enhancing productivity and service quality.

Focus on a Digital-Led Model

A significant shift towards a digital-led model has been instrumental in reducing OPEX. The company has adopted a centralized approach where sourcing is primarily digital, supplemented by a Direct Selling Agent (DSA) model. This digital-first strategy minimizes costs associated with physical operations and manual processes. The emphasis on digital collections further contributes to cost efficiency, ensuring that operations remain lean and effective.

Phygital Strategy

While the focus is on digital, Poonawalla Fincorp has not entirely abandoned the physical model. The blend of digital and physical ensures that the company can cater to diverse customer needs while maintaining cost efficiency. This hybrid approach leverages the best of both worlds, ensuring seamless operations and customer satisfaction. The phygital strategy also allows the company to maintain a human touch where necessary, providing personalized service to clients who prefer face-to-face interactions.

Enhancing Asset Quality

Maintaining and improving asset quality is another area where Abhay Bhutada, MD of the company, has made a substantial impact. The company has shown consistent improvement in asset quality, which is crucial for long-term sustainability and growth.

Risk-Adjusted Lending Approach

Poonawalla Fincorp employs a risk-adjusted approach to lending. Rather than targeting new-to-credit customers or riskier segments, the company focuses on borrowers with proven credit histories and stable cash flows. This strategy mitigates the risk associated with lending and ensures a high-quality loan portfolio. By being selective about its customer base, Poonawalla Fincorp reduces the likelihood of defaults and maintains a healthier balance sheet.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

The company leverages a robust database and advanced analytics to make informed lending decisions. By lending to bureau-tested customers, Poonawalla Fincorp minimizes the risk of defaults and enhances the overall quality of its assets. This data-driven approach ensures that the company’s growth does not come at the expense of asset quality. The use of analytics allows for better risk assessment and more accurate forecasting, contributing to more stable and reliable financial outcomes.

Abhay Bhutada
Abhay Bhutada

Consistent Improvement in Asset Quality Metrics

The effectiveness of these strategies is evident in the company’s asset quality metrics. Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) have reduced from 1.44% to 1.16%, and Net Non-Performing Assets (NNPA) have decreased from 0.78% to 0.59%. These improvements reflect the company’s commitment to maintaining a healthy loan portfolio and underscore the success of its strategic initiatives. Such metrics not only boost investor confidence but also pave the way for future growth and stability.

Future Trajectory

Looking ahead, Poonawalla Fincorp is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of reducing OPEX and enhancing asset quality. Abhay Bhutada’s confidence in the company’s prospects is based on the robust strategies in place. The digital-led model, combined with a prudent lending approach, ensures that the company can achieve sustainable growth without compromising on asset quality. The company’s forward-looking strategies are designed to adapt to changing market conditions and regulatory landscapes, ensuring long-term resilience.


Abhay Bhutada’s leadership at Poonawalla Fincorp showcases how strategic initiatives can drive significant improvements in operational efficiency and asset quality. By consolidating resources, embracing digital transformation, and adopting a risk-adjusted lending approach, the company has set a strong foundation for continued success. As Poonawalla Fincorp moves forward, these strategies will undoubtedly play a crucial role in maintaining its competitive edge and achieving long-term growth. The journey of Poonawalla Fincorp under Bhutada’s guidance is a testament to the power of strategic vision and execution in transforming a financial institution’s fortunes

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